Our Common Faith. Spirituality is a topic common to all faiths and all human beings. Although inherent to our human nature, we are body and spirit, spirit being our non-physical part, all range of people question spirituality.
What Do We Commonly Call Spirituality?
Spirituality is an inward journey by following the inner call that implies an experience of connection to something larger than us, a higher power for some, God in the Abrahamic faiths.
It is a personal and direct experience that allows us to expand our state of consciousness and come to know one’s self in deep communion with the Almighty through meditation, contemplation, and prayer. All religions emphasize spirituality as part of Faith, but it’s possible to be spiritual without belonging to an organized religious community.
Spirituality an Area of Eternal Debate and Controversy
-Rationalists view reason as the only source of knowledge and reject any supernatural authority. During the 2012 Reason Rally in D.C, attendees held signs one could read: “we need to get rid of God Standard.” or ” Only sheep need a shepherd. “
According to Pew Research, a 2019 survey shows that 10% of Americans share this view; they don’t believe in God or any higher power.
For the German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach, a famous atheist, God is nothing other than a creation by human essence and aspirations. Therefore, by projecting his essence into a supernatural sphere, man impoverishes himself.
Evolutionists, Rationalists, and Atheists consider spirituality and religion a sign of weakness and immaturity.
How to Face Life’s Greatest Challenges?
The years 2020 and 2021 have been particularly devastating; so many hardships and suffering here and around the globe due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Numerous people have passed away and, with the Delta variant, it is not over yet.
Besides COVID, so many families wept the loss of a loved one. Immense tragedies occurred, like the collapse of the Champlain Towers in Surfside, Florida. The violent and sudden death of the victims leave family members crushed and in disarray. Unfortunately, some parishioners from my Church, St Joseph Miami Beach, are among the victims.
Sadness is all over. I lost my Beloved Sister unexpectedly after a tragic falling accident. She was the sweetest sister, a devoted mother, and grandmother.
Recently, scores dead, hundreds missing after massive floods in Germany and Belgium. The list goes on.
When we feel lost, submerged by our pain, we find ourselves in a deadlock. How can we rebuild our strength and ourselves?
Should we turn towards artificial paradise, drugs, alcohol to avoid facing our harsh reality? Or To whom should we turn?
Spirituality A Solution to Life Challenges
A Self-evidence of God’s existence is the wonder of his creation. We are part of his creation; we belong to him. Human life is a cycle from birth to death; as soon as one is born, one should die one day.
When we suffer, we are free to question the goodness of the Almighty:” how can he does that to me!” we can grow angry against him. Sometimes out of despair, we even question our Faith.
Someone wrote to me one day,” where is your God, was he able to crush Covid-19 and prevent people from dying? “We get nowhere with such an attitude. God didn’t promise a life without sufferings. Having a solid spiritual approach may help us find meaning in life’s difficult circumstances.
We communicate with God with our spirit; we can talk to him in meditation and prayer. We will hear a small voice inside of us, and we must listen and try to obey. We cannot reach peace until we reach the point of filial abandonment to the Almighty.
It is a tough decision because we tend to think, “I will allow no one to rule over my life.” We certainly have to do our part, spare no effort to accomplish what is humanly possible until we reach our limits.
We then handle the command to the Almighty, and the light will start pointing out from our darkness. We weep but rise from our suffering and take it to another level.