Nowadays, whenever you have a conversation with someone, regardless of their faith or no faith at all, they are inclined to say how life is becoming more and more difficult. Weary is their journey.
One cannot be indifferent to the grave wrongs and problems we witness in the world.
Nonsense is the most common.
Evil spirits surround us, but there are good spirits as well. Evil spirits try to convince us that they are the way to happiness because most people” behave that way.”
If we are believers in the Jewish, Islamic, or Christian faith, we are compelled to pray to the Almighty to grant us a spirit of discernment to pay attention and have the courage to do what is right.
People of goodwill can also keep their principles and do their part.
Let sadness or fear not afflict our hearts. Let’s fill our hearts with joy, peace, and courage to continue doing the right thing.