


Dr. Ghoulem Berrah Foundation

2600 Island Blvd, Aventura, FL – 33160, USA

+1 (786) 919-7525

From The Vatican, January 23, 2019.

” Formant le souhait que chacun soit, là où il est, un artisan de paix, le Pape vous assure de sa prière pour vous et pour vos proches ainsi (que) pour vos collaborateurs dans la fondation créée en mémoire de votre époux. Il vous bénit tous de grand cœur, demandant au  Seigneur de vous accompagner dans votre mission au service du dialogue interreligieux et de la paix.”


” Wishing that wherever we may be, each of us will be an artisan of peace, Pope Francis assures you and your love ones of  his constant prayers including those who work for the foundation created in memory of your Husband.From all his  heart he imparts his blessing to each and every one of you and asks the Lord to guide you in your mission at the service of interreligious dialogue and peace.” 



Imam & Religious Director

Islamic Center of Greater Miami
Adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Miami
Muslim Chaplain at University of Miami

Dear Mrs. Berrah

I was very impressed by your dedication and commitment when I had the honor of meeting you 7 years ago. I did not have the opportunity to meet your late husband, Dr. Ghoulem Berrah, but when I learned about his work and achievements, I was so delighted to see in him a great example of a Muslim leader. He was proud of his faith, married to a devoted Catholic, and devoted his life to spreading peace among all people. His book “A Dream of Peace” is a life-changing book. It contains a wealth of wisdom and encouragement for all people of good conscience to promote a world full of peace and love and free of hate and bigotry.

The Dr. Ghoulem Berrah Foundation led by Mrs. Marguerite Berrah is a continuation of what Dr. Berrah began. I believe that the power of religion can be used as a major force of unification among divergent factions, and hence it can play a key role in the promotion of global peace and reconciliation. Thank you, Mrs. Berrah for creating a friendly environment for a multi-faith dialogue that can break down walls of division and the barriers that stand at the center of numerous wars, with the objective of achieving peace.

His Excellency, The Most Reverend Thomas Gerard Wenski

Reverend Juan J. Sosa

Vice President, Rabbinic Initiatives
Shalom Hartman Institute of North America

Rabbi Beth Or Miami

“Dr Berrah’s life work of multi-faith relationship building is his greatest legacy. Although I never met him, his work inspires me and a new generation to work even harder to build foundations of peace, respect and love among people of different faith traditions. To believe in God is to see the Divine in one another, especially when we differ in our beliefs and practices. May our mutual efforts and intentions lead us to contribute a sense of shalom, salam, peace into our broken world.” Rabbi Robyn Fisher


Doctor. in Sacred Theology
Doctor. in Sacred Scriptures
Priest of the diocese of Albany, NY.
Former professor of biblical theology at Barry University, Miami Shores, FL.

“Chirstians, Jews and Muslims worship the same God even if they use different names or titles. All are children of the one God and each should wish the others peace, Shalom, Salam , which means that each person wishes the others only the best of everything.

The Berrah Foundation encourages this unifying relationship which benefits all. Members of the various Churches, Synagogues and Mosques, especially the clergy, are called to support the Foundation, in particular Mrs. Marguerite Berrah the President.”


President Holocaust Documentation & Education Center, Inc.

Dania Beach, FL

“Thank you again for all of your noble efforts to make this world a better place for all of our children.”


Former Parish Administrator, Sharon has been a member of Saint Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church, Cherry Hills Village, Colorado since 1963 , after she retired she continues to work in many ministries including Altar Guild, Daughters of the King, Eucharistic visitor, and serving at worship services.

“I met Dr & Marguerite Berrah when they moved to Denver, Colorado. Dr. Berrah was a devout Muslin and Mrs. Berrah an equally devout Roman Catholic. Their extraordinary devotion and respect of each others religion made a lasting impression on me. Dr. Berrah was always willing to share his faith with the boarder community enabling us to better understand “our common faith.” – Sharon Stewart

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